At the 2024 AGM on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM, we will have having a Special Resolution to change the objectives of our society.
At the 2023 AGM we approved new bylaws for the Coaldale Granite Club. Subsequently we forwarded those bylaws to the Alberta Corporate Registry, so that they could be officially adopted. During their review process, they noticed that the objectives in the new bylaws do not match the objectives from when we incorporated in 1978. Additionally, we haven’t filed an application to update our objectives since 1978. As a result, we need to have a Special Resolution at our 2024 AGM to officially accept this change to our objectives. If you have any questions or concerns with these changes, please contact a current board member, so that we can address your concerns prior to the meeting if possible.
Special Resolution: Be it resolved that the Coaldale Granite Committee strike the original objectives, and replace them with the following objectives:
a. To provide facilities for the recreation of the Coaldale Granite Club (CGC), members and to promote the opportunity for social curling and activities.
b. Provide a building for social and community activities.
c. To encourage and promote amateur curling.
d. To equip the CGC facilities as necessary to carry out the various objectives.
e. To maintain, sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise deal with the properties of CGC.
For information, these are the objectives that we submitted in 1978:
a. To provide for the recreation of the members and to promote and afford opportunity for friendly and social activities
b. To acquire lands, by purchase or otherwise, erect or otherwise, erect or otherwise provide a building or buildings for social and community purposes
c. To encourage and promote amateur games and exercises
d. To provide a meeting place for the consideration and discussion of questions affecting the interests of the community
e. To carry on a literary and debating club for the discussion of topics of general interest, and to encourage the practice of public speaking among its members
f. To procure the delivery of lectures on social, educational, political, economic and other subjects, and to give and arrange musical and dramatic entertainments
g. To establish and maintain a library and reading room
h. To provide all necessary equipment and furniture for carrying on its various objects
i. To provide a centre and suitable meeting place for various activities of the community
j. Generally to encourage and foster and develop among its members a recognition of the importance of agriculture in the national life
k. To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise deal with the property of the society.